Videos - Archives

Liberals Are Embracing Infanticide – Lunch Alert!


Cancel Your Trip To Ireland – Lunch Alert!


Mueller’s Disgusting Treatment Of Roger Stone – Lunch Alert!


Trump Can Build Wall Without Congress, Without Emergency – Lunch Alert!


How The New Deal Defeated The Great Depression – History Video!


Democratic Voters Move To The Left – Lunch Alert!


Hillary’s One Hundred Million Dollar Bribe – Lunch Alert!


UN Tries To Grab Control Of Immigration – Lunch Alert!


About Time! Trump Pushes For Space Based Missile Defense – Lunch Alert!


Bruce Ohr Confirms: Dossier Was Phony And Prepared By The Clintons – Lunch Alert!


Wilson Screws Up His Second Term – History Video!


Kirsten Gillibrand: The Ultimate Chameleon – Lunch Alert!


Restore Trump’s Maneuverability On The Wall – Lunch Alert!


Democrats Are Hypocrites On The Wall – Lunch Alert!


The Russia Scandal Gets Phonier And Phonier – Lunch Alert!


Will Trump Stand Firm On The Wall? – Lunch Alert!


Worst Presidential Blunders: FDR’s Court Packing – History Video!


The Democratic Party Falls Off The Deep End – Lunch Alert!


Trump’s Speech On Border Wall Scored Big – Lunch Alert!


Warning: Do Not Go To China – Lunch Alert!


Dems Say Life Is Better In Past Two Years – Lunch Alert!


Winning The Fight Against Voter Fraud – Lunch Alert!


1933: When Every Bank In America Was Closed – History Video!


The Government Shutdown…So What? – Lunch Alert!


Why Trump Fires His Staff So Often – Lunch Alert!


Why Trump Pulled Out Of Syria – Lunch Alert!


McCain Staffer Leaked The Dossier – Lunch Alert!

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