Will Hispanics Save The GOP?
Watch Dick’s new TV show, Dick Morris Democracy, at 7:30 PM ET on Saturday and 1 PM on Sunday on Newsmax TV.
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On this week’s show, Dick probes whether the sudden and massive shift of Latino voters to Trump will be enough to propel the GOP into congressional majorities and a presidential win in 2024.
This weekend his guests will include newly elected Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar who defeated Democrat Donna Shalala in Miami-Dade last year and Trump pollster John McLaughlin.
The show will explore why Hispanics defected in droves to Trump even as he built a border wall and worked to cut illegal immigration.
Dick Morris Democracy rebroadcasts tomorrow, Sunday 5/9, at 1 PM ET.
Please watch and help me build my ratings. You won’t want to miss this!
To access all past episodes — Click Here!
View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!
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