Who Voted To Tax The Internet?
Dear Friend,
Click Here To Sign The Petition To Stop Internet Sales Tax!
Twenty-two Republicans sold us out yesterday and voted to tax sales on the Internet. They mostly had signed no tax pledges which they broke when they cast their votes.
They say that there is no difference between an Internet tax and a sales tax in the store. But they are wrong. With 11,000 separate tax jurisdictions and rates in the US, taxing sales online is a huge burden on net firms. And, government regulation, oversight, retaliation, and discipline will invade the Internet under the guise of collecting back taxes.
Click Here to sign the petition to ask your Congressman to vote against taxing the Internet and remember the names of the senators who betrayed their pledge!
Here they are:
Alabama = Sessions and Shelby
Arizona = McCain
Arkansas = Boozman
Georgia = Chambliss and Isakson
Indiana = Coats
Maine = Collins
Mississippi = Cochran and Wicker
Missouri = Blunt
Nebraska = Fischer and Johanns
North Carolina = Burr
North Dakota = Hoeven
Ohio = Portman
South Carolina = Graham
South Dakota = Thune
Tennessee = Alexander and Corker
Wyoming = Enzi
Click Here To Sign The Petition To Stop Internet Sales Tax!
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