When Bill Clinton Tackled Me
In May of 1990, I was meeting with my client Governor Bill Clinton in the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion when he totally lost it. He ran after me as I stormed out of the building and tackled me from behind, drew his fist back and started to punch me. Hillary screamed and held Bill’s arm back. Then she walked me around the grounds of the Mansion trying to calm me down. “Dick, Dick, she said. Don’t leave. Bill needs you. He’s just upset. Don’t go. He only does this to people he loves.”
In 1990, Clinton faced a key decision: Whether to run for another term as governor — his fifth — or skip it and run for president in 1992 while out of office.
He hit on a middle course: Get Hillary elected Governor in his place. Then, he could come back in if he didn’t make it to Washington. He asked me to take a poll to see if she could win. I found that people thought she would just be a place-holder and were not going to vote for her. I think that was the beginning of her decision to embark on her own political career.
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In any event, Bill decided to run for Governor in 1990 and faced only nominal opposition in the Democratic Primary. But people were so tired of him that he began to lose ground to his challenger and it looked like he might lose the election.
I gave him the bad news at a private meeting in May of 1990 and he exploded in anger, cursing and yelling at me. He even accused me of “throwing” the election to help my new Republican friends (I had become a Republican in the interim).
I stormed out of the Governor’s Mansion saying, over my shoulder as I left “OK! I quit! Now I’ll be a fifty state Republican. Go lose this election on your own.”
That’s when I heard his hoof beats behind me and he came up and tackled me. It was why our relationship cooled. He remained my client but no longer my friend.
You can read the entire story of this encounter and 99 other anecdotes, vignettes, and short stories in my new book Fifty Shades of Politics. Not available in book stores. Only at Amazon.com. Order paperback for $13.99 or $10.99 on Kindle.
• How a woman told me that she thought Bill had “forgotten that we slept together.”
• Why Clinton’s chief of staff called me the morning of Vince Fosters’ suicide.
• What it’s like to be on Hillary’s shit list
• How Clinton used his settling the baseball strike to distract coverage from his affairs.
Order 50 Shades Of Politics By Dick Morris In Paperback Edition — Click Here!
Order 50 Shades Of Politics By Dick Morris In Kindle Edition — Click Here!
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