Trump Throws Impeachment Republicans Under The Bus
Donald Trump’s lawyers have filed a cease-and-desist order with the three key fundraising and campaign committees that will mount the 2022 campaign demanding that they stop using his name in fundraising appeals if any of the funds that they get will go to any of the senators or congressmen who voted to impeach him.
His lawyers sent their order to the Republican National Committee (RNC), National Republican Senate Committee (NRSC), and the Republican Congressional Campaign Committees(RCCC).
Together, these bodies account for a huge portion of GOP spending on off-year elections.
Now, they will have a choice: Cut off the ten Congressmen and Alaska’s Senator Lisa Murkowski, who voted to oust him (the only one of the seven impeachment senators to be up for re-election this year), or leave the name “Trump” out of fundraising appeals.
Experience has shown that these committees can’t raise back the postage in any solicitation that does not invoke the former president’s name.
Coupled with his blast at top Republican consultant Karl Rove, the Bush family political guide and the key apparatchik at the RNC, calling him “a pompous fool with bad advice and [who] always has an agenda,” Trump is clearly at war with the Bush wing of the GOP.
The Republican Party is really run by its political consultants, unlike the Democratic Party where consultants have to wait in line behind the various interest groups.
For Trump to attack GOP Congressmen themselves is like spilling water off a duck’s back, but when he goes after the consultants and the campaign committees, it means he is getting serious.
Trump has the even more powerful threat in his pocket: He could use his own organizations — like the America First Action Super PAC — to raise funds and cut off the three committees entirely. It is easy to see him speaking out saying: “No Money For RINOS” and the base obeying his instruction.
A sobering thought for Senator Mitch McConnell and want-to-be Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
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