Trump Needs To Run Some Ads
Let’s suspend disbelief and accept that the NBC and McCloskey polls are accurate and that, after sagging for a while under the impact of the FBI report and the 9-11 health issues, Hillary has rebounded to a 5-6 point lead as their polls suggest. (Rasmussen and Reuters report no such recovery.)
If she has come back, what has brought her back? She hasn’t really campaigned in a week and the events of the past week — the NYC bombings and the riots in Charlotte — are not likely to be pro-Hillary events.
So what happened?
Hillary’s negative ads happened. Drawing on quotes by Trump that often predate his candidacy by years and even decades, Hillary is trying to keep alive and before us the Donald Trump of the early primary days — acerbic, critical, judgmental, and temperamental. Since then Donald has been on good behavior, but the videos and the ads live on.
Trump is not only trying to win the race, he’s trying to win it on the cheap like any good mogul. But he has to start advertising! He cannot stay dark on television and expect to catch a candidate who is saturating the airwaves.
I know all the claims that he has won so far without TV ads — and he certainly let himself be outspent by Rubio and Bush in the primaries and went on to win — but this is different. The Clinton ad buy dwarfs its predecessors and Trump needs to be on the air and answering.
Recently Trump has reported a real surge in small donations. He has raised about $100 million in contributions of less than $200, far more than Hillary and even approaching Obama’s total of small donations.
Now is the time for us small donors to use our influence and demand that Trump spend more of his money on television. By all means send Donald money. We can’t let Hillary win. But include with your donation a request that he spend the money on television to counter Hillary’s attacks and to launch a few of his own.
We don’t want him to stake the future of our country on his assumption that he doesn’t need to spend money on television.
Order Dick And Eileen’s New Book, Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary — CLICK HERE NOW!
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