The U.N. Tries To Become A Global Government
The United Nations was founded to provide a forum in which the world’s nations could negotiate their differences to avoid armed conflict. Its administrative role was restricted to policing peace agreements after they were concluded and providing humanitarian assistance around the world.
But now, the U.N. is trying to become the world’s government, superseding national sovereignty and making of the world, one nation. And who is to run this global government? The unelected bureaucrats who staff the U.N. will. And who will set policy for them? The corrupt, undemocratic nations that comprise the U.N. General Assembly will.
In our new book, Here Come the Black Helicopters: U.N. Global Governance and the Loss of Freedom, we warn of the dangers of this change in the goals of the United Nations.
The U.N. is an inherently undemocratic institution. Only 45% of its members are deemed to be “free” nations by the Freedom Institute which rates such matters. And about one-third of the world’s population — including notably China – are governed (and represented in the U.N.) by totally dictatorial governments.
When the nations of the world sit augustly in the General Assembly chamber behind name plates for each country, the spectacle is deceptive. The delegate from Russia should not be called the representative of the “Russian Federation”. He is the representative of one man — Vladimir Putin. The Chinese delegate should frankly be called the representative of the handful of members of that country’s Politburo. The delegate for Venezuela represents only Hugo Chavez.
To give the United States, Britain, France, Canada, Germany, Japan and the other democracies on the planet the same one vote each as the U.N. gives dictatorships is a travesty.
When the U.N. was a forum for negotiation to avoid war, it made sense to take the nations as they come, treating free and not free equally. In avoiding war, it doesn’t matter if the Russian representative only speaks for Putin because it is on Putin’s say-so that a war could be launched.
But if we are talking about a global government, how can we accord one man the same power as the elected leaders of democracies elected by hundreds of millions of voters?
And, in the U.N., size should matter but it doesn’t. In Here Comes the Black Helicopters, we note that the U.N. is run by a Lilliputians who would tie up the world’s Gullivers. A voting majority of the General Assembly — 97 countries — have populations of less than eight million (smaller than New York City). These 97 nations have a combined population of 241 million – much less than the United States by itself. Forty have fewer than one million. Some have fewer than 100,000 populations. Monaco (33,000), San Marino (33,000), Palau (20,000), Tuvalu (20,000), and Nauru (10,000) each cast the same vote as China (1.3 billion), India (1.2 billion), and the United States (310 million).
Our democracy was redefined by the Supreme Court as requiring “one man, one vote.” But how can we join a global government in which a majority votes are cast by countries with less than 5% of the world’s population?
And are these nations, who would constitute a kind of global Congress to rule over us, honest?
Transparency International found that only fifty of the 182 nations rated were “honest.” Ninety-two (half the countries) were rated as highly corrupt (three or less on a one to ten scale).
So we are being asked to subject ourselves to the rule of tiny, corrupt, autocratic nations. And to them we are being asked to cede our precious sovereignty.
Please read Here Come the Black Helicopters to learn the true danger we face and how to stop it from taking away our precious freedom.
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