The DeSantis Myth
Some Republicans are having an opioid-induced dream of nominating DeSantis as the new Trump-lite.
Echoing the former president’s positions, but without a tenth of his achievements, they believe that DeSantis has no baggage and is preferable to Trump and the enemies he brings with him.
But it is pure fantasy to believe that if the Florida governor were to actually run for president that he would escape the same kind of treatment that Trump has been through from Democratic congressmen, prosecutors, investigators, and journalists.
The more serious DeSantis gets, the more his own skeletons will emerge as he gets processed by the Democratic smear machine.
It would be insanity for the Republicans to discard a former president who, all Republicans agree, was one of the best in our nation’s history. What other president led the economy to massive job creation without inflation? Or closed the border to illegal immigration? Or induced Mexico to keep would-be migrants on their side of the border outside of the jurisdiction of liberal U.S. judges?
Who else succeeded at bringing blue collar white voters into the Republican Party?, reversing the historical maxim that the rich are Republicans, and the workers are Democrat. Who else so embodied patriotism that he induced millions of Latinos and Asians to vote Republican to make sure America does not follow the example of a decent into tyranny that led them to emigrate from countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, Guatemala, and Vietnam in the first place?
Trump is a hybrid candidate: half-challenger, half-incumbent. He articulates bold new visions for the future while offering a record of achievement without parallel in our politics.
DeSantis? Can he stop inflation? Prevent unemployment? Fight crime? Seal the border? Tame Russia, China, and North Korea? Bring Iran to heel? Battle China with tariffs to save our jobs? We do not know. His record is good in two areas: education and immigration. But what about the rest?
With Trump we know. DeSantis is a crapshoot.
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