Tell Boehner To Stand Firm!
Dear Friend,
Click Here To Sign The Petition To Tell Boehner To Stand Firm!
The dye is now cast. The battle lines are drawn. Boehner has refused to reopen the government or raise the debt limit without concessions from Obama. What began as a foolish government shutdown to try to end ObamaCare is now morphing into a serious, and likely successful, attempt to rein in the ObamaCare cost, cut government entitlements, and hold the line on taxes.
Finally, the Republicans in the House have gotten it right.
They deserve our full support.
Please sign this petition to send your Congressman one simple message: STAND FIRM!
Click Here To Sign The Petition To Tell Boehner To Stand Firm!
Dick Morris
View my most recent videos in case you missed them!
Now, It’s All About The Debt Limit! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
WW II: The Politics Of Invading France – Dick Morris TV: History Video!
End The Shutdown – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
The Nonessential Government – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Shutdown: No Way Out??? Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!