Support President For Trump Calling Out NFL Protesters!
Sign the petition — CLICK HERE NOW!
I don’t know about you, but I SUPPORT President Trump’s anger at NFL players for protesting the national anthem at the opening of their games.
Please sign this petition to show your support for President Trump for calling out these NFL protesters.
There is a right of free expression, but WE, the ticket payers, have the right to see that our money does not give a platform to those who want to disrespect our country. We should turn in our tickets and turn off our televisions.
Make Sunday a day of prayer and thankful remembrance of what a great country this is…
…And how it affords people, regardless of color, the right to rise to a point where they can become national stars.
Their protest is not about a specific act or a particular policy. It is a statement of disrespect for our country.
President Trump is taking a pounding in the media. Why? The First Amendment has nothing to do with it. The revenues from football games to owners and media networks has everything to do with it.
WE, the Undersigned, want to show our support for President Trump for calling out NFL protesters for disrespecting our flag and national anthem.
Sign the petition — CLICK HERE NOW!
Your signature will count! We will send an email in your name to President Trump telling him of your position!
We’ll add your email address to our Alerts list to keep you posted on progress and let you know if we need to take further action.
Thank you,
Dick Morris
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