Stop NSA Data Collection On Americans
Dear Friend,
Click Here to sign the petition to stop NSA data collection on Americans!
Today, the House is going to vote on blocking the NSA from collecting metadata on American citizens. Edward Snowden revealed that NSA collects information on every telephone call place by an American specifying where it originated, what number was called and how long the call lasted.
The House will vote on an amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill to ban the NSA from collecting this data on calls entirely within the US. The NSA would still be able to collect information and, with a FISA warrant, listen in on calls between Americans and people abroad. The Amendment would also stop the PRISM program that collects intra-U.S. e-mails.
Please sign this petition to urge your Congressman to vote against the NSA program. This is our first, and perhaps our only, chance to be heard!
Click Here to sign the petition to stop NSA data collection on Americans!
Thank you,
Dick Morris
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