Saudi Arabia: Our Worst Nightmare
A Book Review of “Saudi Arabia and the Global Islamic Terrorist Network” Edited by Sarah Stern
We all know that the United States is enmeshed in a corrupt bargain with the Saudi Monarchy: We keep a blind eye toward their human rights abuses and they continue to supply us with oil. But it takes Sarah Stern’s excellent volume to tell us just how corrupt the bargain is and how self-defeating is the relationship.
Saudi Arabia provides us one million barrels of oil each day and sends more to Europe. It uses the funds to finance jihad all over the world. 90% of fundamentalist Islamist funding comes from Saudi Arabia. It is our petro dollars that pay al Qaeda, fund extremist mosques which recruit terrorists all over the world.
Her book details it all: the Shariah Compliant Financing that wages war on Western capitalism, the “educational” grants that skew college campuses to a pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli bias, the Saudi refusal to cooperate in terrorist investigations, the Saudi success in buying off leading Americans like former President Jimmy Carter, their infiltration into our NGOs, the Saudi Islamist penetration of Europe and Canada, and their sponsorship of terrorists within our own country.
And her research could not be more well-timed. As Iran threatens Israel as she has never before been threatened and as our domestic oil production — despite Obama’s best efforts — is making our dependence on Saudi oil a thing of the past, we need to let go of this dangerous relationship and cut Saudi Arabia off. Sarah Stern explains, in explicit detail, why.
To purchase a copy of Saudi Arabia and the Global Islamic Terrorist Network – Go Here.