Romney Debate Win – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
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In this video commentary, I discuss how Romney wiped Obama out in last night’s debate! Now Romney will win! Tune in!
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This Dick Morris Lunch Alert! sponsored by Stansberry Research.
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This Dick Morris Lunch Alert! sponsored by Stansberry Research.
What’s the REAL problem with America today?
Conservatives blame the Leftist media for America’s ills. Liberals blame the greedy Right. The 99% blames the 1%. The 1% says, “don’t look at us,” Congress makes the rules. No one has the guts to talk about America’s REAL true problem. Get the facts, and the answer, here…
View my most recent videos in case you missed them!
What Romney Must Do Tonight – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Presidential Debates – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Control Of The Senate – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
How We Almost Had A Communist President – Dick Morris TV: History Video!
Obama’s Master Plan For America – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!