Don’t Be Fooled! Obama Wants Huge Tax Increase This Year!
Obama is lying in the weeds, taking credit for extending the Bush tax cuts for two more years. But his budget plans call for gigantic tax increases, revealed in Revolt! How To Defeat Obama and Repeal His Socialist Programs — A Patriot’s Guide.
Here’s what Obama wants:
* End the mortgage interest tax deductions and replace it with a flat 12% tax credit. That means, effectively, that we lose 2/3 of the deduction. This at a time when we are trying to encourage home building!
* He wants to limit the charitable giving tax deduction to a 12% tax credit. He says he wants to help the poor. But only if the government is writing the checks!
* He wants to limit the state and local tax deduction to 28%, cutting it by about one-fifth.
* Charge Social Security (FICA) taxes on your entire income, not just on the first hundred thousand.
Revolt! explains how Obama is planning to soak us and sock us with new taxes…and lays out a strategy to beat them.