Note From Dick: Soros Will Not Stop Me In Exposing Obama’s Plan
Dear Friend,
Eileen and I have a new book, Power Grab: Obama’s Dangerous Plan for a One Party Nation, that was released this week. It’s already #1 in Amazon’s Political Commentary and Opinion.
We’ve had a really unusual situation — the book sold out immediately on Amazon. That’s good news.
In all ten of our previous New York Times bestsellers, this has never happened before.
Obviously, people want to get this book — as it’s the first detailed book to reveal not just what Obama is doing — but WHY he is doing it.
Having advised a U.S. president and numerous other world leaders as a campaign strategist, I recognized that Obama has his own very clear strategic plan to destroy America’s two-party system in favor of a one-party system that is controlled by him and the far left. That’s his goal.
I expose how he is doing this in Power Grab — and the fact the GOP establishment is sitting idly by.
I am shocked that the national media is not reporting on Obama’s sinister intentions. Americans should be very scared about the America that he wants to create.
I can tell you this: I won’t stop watching him and warning you about what he is up to and what we must do to stop him.
I encourage you to get your copy of Power Grab on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or at bookstores.
To order Power Grab from Amazon — Go Here Now!
To order Power Grab from Barnes & Noble — Go Here Now!
This is the most important book I have ever written. It deserves your immediate attention.
And please share this email with your friends and family.
Dick Morris
View my most recent videos in case you missed them!
Voter Fraud: The Indispensable Element In Obama’s Grand Plan – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Why The President Pushes ObamaCare As Hard As He Does – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Obama’s Plan To Change America Through Immigration – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Obama’s Real Motive: What Is He Really Up To? Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
The 6th Year Fiasco: How Presidents Lose Congress In Their 2nd Term – Dick Morris TV: History Video!