In the past few days, nineteen House Democrats who previously voted yes have moved closer to voting no according to the latest Republican whip count. Ten of those nineteen are at the receiving end of League of American Voters ads. So the ads are definitely working! Let’s keep piling on!!!
On his website,, Sean Hannity is publishing a whip count on the House votes on Obamacare. He is drawing on Republican sources in the House and press reports, so it’s not as accurate as Pelosi’s count, but it gives us an idea of what is going on.
The Hannity count shows fourteen House Democrats moving to positions more in favor of the bill and nineteen moving to become more opposed. (I do not include in this count any of Stupak’s pro-life Democrats because I don’t trust them to hold out against the bill and think they will cave in the end).
The following are the House members who voted no last year on Obamacare who are reportedly warming to the bill and might be in danger of switching their votes to yes: (an asterisk * denotes those who have moved even more decisively for the bill):
Adler, NJ
Altmire, Pa*
Baird, Wash*
Boucher, Va.
Gordon, Tenn* (is retiring, so more immune to pressure)
Kosmas, Fla
Kratovil, Md
Kucinich, Ohio
Markey, Col
McMahon, NY
Murphy, NY
Nye, Va
Tanner, Tenn (is retiring, so more immune to pressure)
In addition, Eric Massa of New York, who voted no, has resigned from the House losing an additional vote against the bill.
But their possible defections are more than countered by the following members who voted yes last year who are reportedly moving closer to a vote against the bill. Again, an asterisk means a more decisive move against it:
Arcuri* NY
Dahlkemper* Pa
Connolly* Va
Ellsworth* Ind
Berry*, Ark (retiring)
Cuellar* Texas
Gifford* Ariz
McInerney* Cal
Pomeroy* ND
Carney, Pa
Kanjorski, Pa
Kirkpatrick, Ariz
Mollohan, WV
Rahill, WV
Space, Ohio
Titus, Nevada
In addition, Congressman John Murtha, who voted yes, has died and Louisiana Republican Joseph Cao, who cast the lone GOP vote for the bill now indicates he will vote against it. Congressman Wexler of Florida has resigned and a replacement is not to be chosen until next month, costing the bill another vote.
So, 19 members have moved closer to voting no while 14 have moved closer to voting yes.
Of the nineteen who have moved closer to voting no, ten are the subject of League of American Voters ads: Arcuri, Dahlkemper, Gifford, Pomeroy, Carney, Kanjorski, Kirkpatrick, Mollohan, Rahill, and Space.
But we have an urgent need to advertise in the eleven districts where members who voted no are moving toward a yes vote. Please send us funds right now so we can put ads in their districts on Monday. (The vote will probably come at the end of next week unless they don’t have the votes to pass it).
By the whip count, you can see how close the vote is. We need to keep redoubling our efforts!
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