Michael Savage Warns Trump To Watch His Back In Trump’s War: His Battle for America
Watch your back, Michael Savage advises President Donald Trump in his new best-seller Trump’s War: His Battle For America. Its not as much the guys in front of you — the Democrats — as those behind you — your own party and appointees — who you have to watch, Savage warns.
Trump won the Republican nomination and then the election. But he didn’t conquer the Republican Party. He defeated it in its own primary, but he’s a bit like an independent candidate who won the Republican primaries but still sits atop a party filled with people who don’t like him, didn’t support him, and, really just don’t get him. But if he’s not Republican enough to win Republican loyalty in Congress, he sure is Republican enough so that the Democrats won’t touch him and won’t give him any votes or support.
He’s a man without a party.
To win, Savage says wisely, he has to rise up and a man above parties.
His problems began when he formed his Administration. He had two kindred spirits — Steve Bannon and Mike Flynn. A great one-two punch. Then the Democrats lynched Flynn and came close to taking out Bannon.
They have left Trump with a cabinet that doesn’t really see things as he does.
• With a State Department that doesn’t want to leave NAFTA and alienate Mexico.
• With a National Security Advisor that won’t get tough with Iran or to rip up the Nuclear Deal Trump ran against.
• With a holdover Veterans Administrator who still gives bonuses to those who make vets wait.
• With the same IRS crowd that targeted conservatives. Lois Lerner is gone but the rest are still there.
• A Treasury Secretary who won’t call China a trade manipulator
Savage’s message: With friends like these you don’t need enemies.
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