Make Harry Reid Pass VA Reform Bill!
Dear Friend,
Click Here To Sign The Petition To Make Harry Reid Pass VA Reform Bill!
By a bi-partisan vote of 390-33, the House passed a bill giving Shinseki the power to fire or demote his top management in order to clean up the Veterans Administration.
But now, Harry Reid won’t bring the bill up for a vote in the Senate. Saying that the VA isn’t all that bad and responding to union pressure, the Democrats are sitting on the bill.
Before you grill your hamburgers and hot dogs, please sign and circulate this petition. It is a great way to celebrate Memorial Day!
Your signature will count! We will send an email in your name to your Senators and Congressman telling him or her of your position!
Please get your friends and family to sign this petition too.
Click Here To Sign The Petition To Make Harry Reid Pass VA Reform Bill!
Dick Morris
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