Libya, Middle East Burning – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
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In this video commentary, I discuss the political impact of the world wide explosion of anti-Americanism and how it exposes Obama’s weakness. Tune in!
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This Dick Morris Lunch Alert! sponsored by Stansberry Research.
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A Rare Peek Inside Obama’s Tax Returns
Did you know that, according to his most recent tax filings, U.S. President Barack Obama collects an average of more than $72,780 PER MONTH in personal income…all thanks to one little-known income stream?
View my most recent videos in case you missed them!
Democratic Convention Bounce – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
History Of The 2004 Election – Dick Morris TV: History Video!
Romney’s Financial Advantage – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Obama Thugs Bully Gallup – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Why Obama’s Convention Will Doom His Re-Election – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!