How PA And CO Could Steal Nomination From Trump
The bosses of the Pennsylvania and Colorado Republican Parties haven’t heard of the 1972 rules changes in the nominating process. Outrageously, they are harkening back to the days of boss domination, ignoring the will of their voters.
Pennsylvania will hold its primary on April 26th but it won’t mean anything. The Party honchos have adopted rules that do not bind the delegates to the will of the voters. These 71 delegates will arrive in Cleveland for the Republican Convention free to support anyone they want.
Colorado won’t even ask the voters. The Republican Party there has actually cancelled plans to hold a primary. The state’s 37 delegates can vote for whoever they want on any ballot.
Together, this gross miscarriage of justice means that there will be 108 delegates floating free in Cleveland. While the Republican Party — unlike the Democrats — binds its super delegates to reflect the will of the voters as expressed in the primary, the Pennsylvania and Colorado delegates will serve the same purpose as super delegates — to thwart the will of the people.
The latest poll in Pennsylvania, by Franklin & Marshall on March 20, had Trump holding a narrow lead with 33% of the vote, followed closely by Kasich with 30% and Cruz with 20%.
But it won’t matter. If the race narrows into a tight three-way contest (likely since Cruz has money to spend. Kasich doesn’t. And Trump won’t), the delegates will feel completely free to vote for whoever they want or whoever they are told to want.
Since the GOP establishment is working overtime to coalesce to stop Trump, it is easy to see that Pennsylvania and Colorado could split between Cruz and Kasich denying Trump any extra delegates.
This anachronistic technique for allocating delegates could be the way the establishment steals the nomination from Donald Trump. And then there will be hell to pay.
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