In the aftermath of his sham health care summit, President Obama has made clear his determination to proceed to try to jam through his radical legislation.
There is no real chance to stop it in the Senate since he will use reconciliation to pass it. But we can beat it in the House! Dozens of Congressmen who voted for the bill last time are re-thinking their support in view of the tidal wave of opposition. And, since the bill passed by only 220-215, there is no Democratic margin for error.
Each of us can act now to protect our healthcare:
1. Go to dickmorris.com and see a list of marginal Democrats who voted for healthcare last time. The list includes their local and Washington office phone numbers. Pick up the phone and call them. Even if you don’t live in the district, call them. If you live in the same state, tell them. If not, call them anyway. Call your friends or family that might live in their states or even their districts (the list on our web site says where their district is located) and ask them to call the Congressmen. Keep those lines busy all weekend!
2. Please give the League of American Voters funds immediately to run ads in each of these districts. They have created a very effective ad for each of these marginal members and will run it in their districts if you give us the funding. They have raised $200,000 in the past three days but need more to blanket these swing districts.
CLICK HERE to donate.
CLICK HERE to see a sample ad.
Even if you have already given the League money, do it again. Your donations have brought us to the edge of victory on health care and if you give again we can put it to a final end.
Remember what is at stake! If Obama loses this fight, his entire momentum will be crippled. But, if he passes his bill it will:
* Cut $500 billion from Medicare
* Force rationing of health care
* Raise income taxes to 43% (from 35%) and capital gains taxes to 22.5% (from 15%)
* Force a $2,000 increase in the average health insurance premium
* Force young people to buy insurance they don’t need or want that would cost over $8500 per person
* Or…pay 2.5% of their income as a fine for not having insurance
* Or…face prison if they don’t do either
* Tax medical devices and many medical procedures
And, in addition to all of the above, it will have an horrific impact on the deficit. Don’t listen to Obama’s claims to deficit neutrality. The bill will cost $1 trillion over six years and will generate revenues of $1 trillion over ten years. But if you run the projections out to fourteen years, the costs exceed the revenues by over $1 trillion.
These projections do not include about $1 trillion in health insurance premiums or fines that the uninsured will have to pay and about $3 trillion in increased health insurance premiums the rest of us will have to pay.
The Cato Institute estimates that the total cost of this bill over a twenty year period will come to $6.5 trillion.
To support the League of American Voters in their efforts to stop Obama — Go Here Now.
So…please make the calls and write your checks. Our health care lies in the balance!
Thank you!!!
Harry Mitchell | (202) 225-2190 | (480) 946-2411 |
Gabrielle Giffords | (202) 225-2542 | (520) 881-3588 |
Ann Kirkpatrick | (202) 225-2315 | (928) 226-6914 |
Jerry McNerney | (202) 225-1947 | 925-833-0643 |
John Salazar | 202-225-4761 | 970-245-7107 |
Jim Hines | (202) 225-5541 | (866) 453-0028 |
Alan Grayson | (202) 225-2176 | (407) 841-1757 |
Bill Foster | (202) 225-2976 | 630-406-1145 |
Baron Hill | 202 225 5315 | 812 288 3999 |
Mark Schauer | (202) 225-6276 | (517) 780-9075 |
Gary Peters | (202) 225-5802 | (248) 273-4227 |
Dina Titus | (202) 225-3252 | 702-256-DINA (3462) |
Carol Shea-Porter | (202) 225-5456 | (603) 743-4813 |
Tim Bishop | (202) 225-3826 | (631) 696-6500 |
John Hall | (202) 225-5441 | (845) 225-3641 x49371 |
Bill Owens | (202) 225-4611 | (315) 782-3150 |
Mike Arcuri | (202)225-3665 | (315)793-8146 |
Dan Maffei | (202) 225-3701 | (315) 423-5657 |
Earl Pomneroy | (202) 225-2611 | (701) 224-0355 |
Steven Driehaus | (202) 225-2216 | (513) 684-2723 |
Mary Jo Kilroy | (202) 225-2015 | (614) 294-2196 |
Zach Space | (202) 225-6265 | (330) 364-4300 |
Kathy Dahlkemper | (202) 225-5406 | (814) 456-2038 |
Patrick Murphy | (202) 225-4276 | (215) 826-1963 |
Christopher Carney | (202) 225-3731 | (570) 585-9988 |
Paul Kanjorski | (202) 225-6511 | (570) 825-2200 |
John Spratt | (202) 225-5501 | (803)327-1114 |
Tom Perriello | (202) 225-4711 | (276) 656-2291 |
Alan Mollohan | (202) 225-4172 | (304) 623-4422 |
Nick Rahall | (202) 225-3452 | (304) 252-5000 |
Steve Kagen | (202) 225-5665 | (920) 437-1954 |