Hey, Fusion GPS, What Happened To The Other $855,908 Hillary Paid You?
Published on on Breitbart.com on November 29, 2017
It’s time for a public accounting of exactly how Fusion GPS spent close to a million dollars of unreported campaign expenditures in its quest to discredit and destroy Donald Trump.
We know that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC secretly funneled $1,024,408 to Fusion GPS through the Perkins Cole law firm to pay for dirt on Donald Trump.
And we know that $168,500 of that money was then paid by Fusion to British ex-spook Christopher Steele to create his highly discredited and unverifiable dossier about Donald Trump’s alleged activities in Russia.
What we don’t know is what Fusion GPS did with the remaining $855,908.
That’s a lot of money.
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