Fusion GPS Tells Congress To Get Lost
Fusion GPS. the negative research company famous for its political smear campaigns, paid ex-British spook Christopher Steele to compile a dossier about Donald Trump’s activities in Russia.
That dossier has been unquestionably proven to be filled with fabricated allegations against Trump. But it was that fake dossier that started the entire Donald Trump/Russia collusion campaign that Democrats hope will end up in impeachment.
Fusion has admitted that it was Hillary Clinton supporters who paid for the dossier, but refuses to disclose the names of the moneymen who made the dossier happen. Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Grassley wants to see the contract with Steele. He also wants to see all contracts and communications with Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lobbyists who met with Donald Trump Jr., at Trump Tower.
But Fusion has just told Senator Grassley Congress to get lost.
After Glenn Simpson, head of Fusion GPS refused to voluntarily meet with the Judiciary Committee, a subpoena was issued. That got Simpson’s attention.
Fusion’s lawyers worked out an agreement: Simpson would meet with the Committee and would also provide the documents requested.
But that never happened. Fusion sent the committee hundreds of pages of newspaper articles that mentioned Fusion GPS.
No contracts, no communications. No nothing.
Simpson and Fusion’s brazen disregard for a Congressional inquiry cannot be ignored. A new subpoena must be issued and enforced.
If Simpson again refused to comply, it is time for Congress to find him — and Fusion — in contempt of Congress. That is a step that is rarely taken, but is absolutely appropriate here.
The creation and dissemination of the dossier was no less an attempt to interfere in the U.S. election that the hacking of the DNC. Both tried to torpedo the campaign of an American presidential candidate. And we need to know who was behind both and who was paying for it.
And we also need to know what role — if any – Fusion played in arranging the meeting with the Russian lobbyist at Trump Tower.
It’s time for Simpson to start talking and time for us to see the documents that led to the dossier.
The definitive story about the fake dossier created to destroy Donald Trump’s candidacy and presidency.
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