Fire Christopher Wray
The decision of the Department of Justice to drop all charges against former National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn constitutes an admission of the most grievous and outrageous kind of misconduct by the chief investigative arm of the federal government: the FBI.
The DOJ acted to drop the charges only after the most blatant evidence emerged that FBI and DOJ operatives framed Flynn for political purposes. The director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, cannot and should not escape responsibility for the activities of the bureau.
He should resign immediately or President Trump should fire him.
The evidence of emails and breathless notes exchanged by those who interrogated the general in the interview that led to his indictment for lying to the FBI indicates a deliberate effort to entrap General Flynn, have him unwittingly confess to a violation of the Logan Act, and/or get him to lie to his interrogators.
Operatives set a perjury trap for Flynn without even informing him that he was being interviewed in connection with an investigation. As the incoming national security advisor, he naturally decided not to spill his guts and national secrets to two FBI operatives sent to interview him. Had he been warned that he was the target and been given an opportunity for legal representation, he likely would have avoided the trap.
Flynn’s underlying offense was to discuss the charges of Russian interference in U.S. election with the Russian ambassador, something the incoming national security advisor would be remiss not to do.
But the entrapment of General Flynn is damnable for two other reasons.
First, he would have made a great national security advisor. In fact, he was likely to be too good, disrupting the cozy, incestuous national security establishment that so ill-served the country under President Obama.
This is the same crowd that encouraged the president to negotiate the Iran nuclear accords with all their defects and approved the payment of billions to the terrorists in the Iranian regime, money that has been spent killing Americans and other innocent civilians.
Wherever Flynn went, he was the bull in the china shop. As director of intelligence for American forces in Afghanistan, he booted the armchair staff out of headquarters and sent them into the field to spot emerging Taliban threats, rather than just catalog those that were already causing U.S. casualties.
Similarly, as director of national intelligence, he revolutionized our system and increased the emphasis on field agents rather than simply relying on technology to keep us posted on international developments.
As the incoming national security advisor, he would have been ruthless in purging the tell-them-what-they-want-to-hear culture that pervaded the council under Obama.
But he also stood directly in the path of the coup d’etat that was then unfolding under the watchful eye and with the micromanaging of former CIA Director John Brennan.
This coup — based on concoctions enumerated in a phony dossier prepared at the behest of and paid for by the Hillary campaign — depended on regular leaks of disinformation to gullible reporters up and down the media food chain. Were Flynn in charge, it was undoubted that these leaks would have been met with swift justice and administrative action, likely leading to the dismissal and perhaps the prosecution of the leakers.
The coup simply could not succeed with Flynn at the National Security Council and Brennan and his conspirators — including Comey, Strzok, Page and McCabe — were determined to keep him out.
Hence the framing of the general. And, to make sure he left, they also arranged to investigate and develop charges against the general’s son that are likely as phony as the ones against him turned out to be.
Christopher Wray stood by as director of the FBI and let all this happen on his watch. As the truth became evident through investigation by Judicial Watch and other conservative organs and the intrepid work of defense attorney Sidney Powell, Wray looked the other way. He could have gotten at the truth himself, but chose not to do so.
He should be fired.
View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!
And Now, Prosecute Flynn’s Prosecutors – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
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The Virus: Increasingly A Disease Of The Elderly – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
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