How often will I receive Play-By-Play subscriptions?
Once registered you will receive the next article sent out, so you might have to wait a few weeks until you see your first Play-By-Play. In the meantime, you can view all past Play-By-Play articles on the website (sorry, subscribers only!)
I subscribed to the Play-By-Play. Why do I still receive emails asking me to subscribe?
We offer two newsletters, one is a free newsletter and the other is Dick’s exclusive Play-By-Play. You may receive both newsletters as they offer different content but the free one may contain a link to the Play-By-Play subscription.
I subscribed to the Play-By-Play but I am not receiving emails
If you subscribed to the Play-By-Play you will receive the next PBP to be published. Please take the following steps to ensure that you receive the articles:
- Disable your filtering software
- Look in your “SPAM”, “Revoked”, “Junk Mail” or “Bulk Mail” folder for our messages
- You may need to add “[email protected]” to your approved senders list in order to receive e-mail from us.