Down Goes Joe
For the very first time, national polls have Biden behind Warren in the Democratic race. Quinnipiac, released on Wednesday, has Warren in first place at 27% followed by Biden at 25% and Sanders at 16%. Economist/YouGov, released the same day, also has Warren in the lead 27-26 with Sanders at 16%.
The impeachment momentum among Democrats has forced primary voters to pay attention to the corruption of Biden and his son, a topic the media has largely covered up. And it is taking its toll on Biden’s candidacy.
The only real argument for Biden is electability and falling out of first place kills that off. The more the details of his Ukraine scandal are retold by the media in the course of going after Trump, the more Biden will drop further.
Of course, its hard to believe that even today’s primary voters in the Democratic Party will commit collective suicide by nominating Warren. Look for a great moderate hope to emerge from the existing pack of candidates.
Remember that the NBC/WSJ poll of September 16th shows that 40% of Democratic primary voters are basically moderate favoring “smaller changes that might be easier to pass” while 56% back more sweeping changes.
The 40% who have not lost their minds need a candidate and they will find one. It might be Buttigieg or one of the now walking dead (Booker, Beto, Klobuchar, Harris, Yang, or Gabbard).
They won’t win, but they will force Warren to defend her radical ideas, a useful warmup for tackling her in November.
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