Clyburn Heads For Biden Next; Party May Follow

By Dick Morris on July 5, 2024

Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC), the man who delivered the Democratic nomination to Biden, has outlined a process for choosing a candidate should Joe drop out. For a Democratic power broker, who effectively controls the national Democratic black vote, to make such a statement is enormously significant.

Leon Trotsky said “revolution is impossible until it becomes inevitable.” Such is what is happening to Biden’s candidacy. When the New York Times and the Boston Globe discuss a post-Biden world, few listen. But when Clyburn does, we better listen.

Here’s what he said:  Clyburn said he expects a “mini-primary” featuring Vice President Kamala Harris, governors and others in the run-up to the Democratic National Convention in August.

“You can actually fashion the process that’s already in place to make it a mini-primary and I would support that,” said Clyburn, who also spoke to Biden on Wednesday in a conversation his office refused to discuss.

The Democrats face two obstacles to getting rid of Biden: his own stubbornness and intransigence and Kamala Harris’ bad image.  The vice president actually runs behind Biden in the polling.

But now Clyburn suggests a process to get rid of Harris.  That he would make such a suggestion is an enormously significant statement and provides a road map the Democrats may well follow.

A process like Clyburn outlined, even as he voiced support for Harris to remain on the ticket, is an open invitation to Democrats looking for a way to replace Biden and Harris and start over.

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