Biden’s Hidden Heating Tax
As temperatures drop with the onset of winter, Biden wants to impose a tax on gas used for home heating. This so-called “methane fee” would increase home heating bills for the 180 million Americans who heat their homes with gas.
The American Gas Association estimates that this new tax will add an average of 17% to home heating costs for gas customers. This increase comes on top of an estimated one-third to one-half rise (depending on how cold our winter is) in heating costs for gas customers due to the shortage of gas that is largely, in turn, due to Biden’s restrictions on fracking.
This increase makes a mockery of two key Biden promises:
His pledge not to raise taxes on those making $400,000 or less evidently doesn’t cover his “methane fee.”
And Biden’s pledge to move away from oil in home heating and coal in power generation — both vital steps to cut carbon emissions — would be vitiated by a higher tax on methane.
The so-called “methane fee” goes up year- after-year in the Biden bill until it tops out at $1500 per ton by 2025.
Biden imposed the tax to look good at the G-20 summit on climate change where countries vied with one another to impose regulations and taxes to screw the consumer and cut carbon emissions. But somebody forgot to tell Biden that raising taxes on natural gas will drive utilities to coal and consumers to oil heat which have much more carbon than natural gas or methane ever did.
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