A Great New Book for Children
Dear Friend,
Eileen’s and my close friend, Clayton Liotta, has written a great, great new children’s book — “I Thought I Saw A Dragon Late Last Night!” Clayton is the brilliant producer of our daily Lunch Alert! series and did the wonderful art work in our own children’s book “Dubs Goes To Washington.” He also did the cartoons in our new book Screwed!
The book is about a young boy who goes in search of an elusive Dragon. Is it real or imaginary? In each frame, he searches and searches but never finds the dragon. But your children will notice that the dragon is right there, thinly disguised as in the frames from the book below:
Click Here for image of sample prose.
Click Here for image of hidden dragon.
Click Here for image of book cover.
Give your children a great book. It can be your gift to them on Father’s Day!!! It is not available in book stores, but only online.
Click Here to order your copy of “I Thought I Saw A Dragon Late Last Night!”
Click Here to order your copy of “I Thought I Saw A Dragon Late Last Night!”