By Dick Morris on May 29, 2007

The conservative right is in full fury opposing the deal cooked up by Senators McCain, Kennedy, Kyle, and Graham for immigration reform. The full impact of the storm is likely to be felt by John McCain as he offers himself as a candidate for the GOP nomination. The deal, of course, is good precisely because it pleases nobody. The right hates the idea that twelve million people who came here illegally can stay and work. The Hispanics hate that they have to pay $5,000 each, can’t become citizens until they return to the country of origin, and cannot bring their families in. The left hates that the border fence and increased guards are prerequisites for the bill’s implementation. The Democrats hate that the twelve million illegals won’t be able to vote for a decade more. The Republicans hate that they will be able to vote eventually.

Its a deal only a Congressional insider could love. But Bush, Kennedy, Kyle, Graham, and the other Senate supporters don’t have to run in Republican primaries. McCain does and he will not be lightly forgiven his apostasy in crafting this hodge podge. Remember in evaluating this bill that a camel is a horse designed by a committee

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