Support Mazi Pilip For Congress In Upcoming Special Election
Dear Friend,
Do you want to see Biden impeached?
Held accountable for his and Hunter’s attempts to make money by selling access to China, Russia, Romania, and a host of other countries? Do you want to see our southern border closed?
All this and more are at stake in the February 13th special election for Congress in Nassau County, New York.
If we elect the Republican candidate — Mazi Pilip — we will continue to control the House.
If we lose, the Democrats will be only two seats shy of a controlling majority.
Even if you don’t live anywhere near Nassau County in New York, you do live in the U.S. and who controls Congress is of vital, personal importance to you.
That’s why we are sending you this mailing!
It is imperative that you give whatever you can, today, to stop the Democrats from taking over the House.
Please Donate To Mazi Pilip Now – CLICK HERE!
Mazi is a former soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and now sits in the Suffolk County Legislature where she votes against tax increases and against the radical trans agenda.
Her opponent, Tom Suozzi, is a left-wing Democrat who votes down the line with AOC and the radical “squad” against Israel and for the radical agenda.
He currently supports charging a fee for entering Manhattan during a weekday. Mazi is opposed.
Time is of the essence. The election is this coming Tuesday, February 13th.
Please Donate To Mazi Pilip Now – CLICK HERE!
Thank you,
Dick Morris
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