Now: Evidence That Biden’s Speech Bombed

By Dick Morris on September 19, 2022

Biden’s speech in early September that appeared to be delivered from a platform inside Dante’s inferno in which he excoriated MAGA Republicans accusing them of “endangering our democracy” has bombed.

Finally, a national polling firm has issued data about the public reaction to Biden’s speech. The Trafalgar Research Group found, in a survey of almost 2,000 likely voters on September 7-9, that it may have been one of the worst speeches in American political history.

As Biden predicted, America is divided but the dividing line is nowhere near 50-50. It’s more like 60 agreeing with the with the right and 40 agreeing with the left, not the dividing line he had hoped for.

Trafalgar asked, “Do you think that the president Biden is fairly raising issues around MAGA Republicans or is the President trying to avoid talking about inflation, immigration, crime and other issues?” By 59-41 its national sample of likely voters said that Biden is trying to avoid the major issues while only 41% said he is “fairly raising issues about the MAGA Republicans.”

56% found Biden’s language “inappropriate” and 54% said it was “grossly exaggerated” in its depiction of the possibility of imminent political violence by the right.

In fact, 55% said they were more concerned about the potential for political violence stemming from the left than from that arising out of MAGA groups.

Everywhere, polls are reflecting public disconnect with the Biden speech. Walker now leads Warnock in Georgia. Oz has caught up with Fetterman in Pennsylvania. Vance is up by four in Ohio. Johnson now leads Barnes in Wisconsin.

Biden’s speech will go down in history as one of the biggest political blunders of all-time.

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