ON SALE NOW: Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War On Donald Trump
There is a coup going on right now here in America to depose Donald Trump from office. It is led by top intelligence officials from the Obama era, the liberal media, the holdovers in this administration, and Robert Mueller.
Unless we act we will lose our president!
Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War On Donald Trump explains the origin of the coup, who is behind it, how the plotters plan to oust our president and, more importantly, a game plan to defeat them and keep Trump in office.
This book is so explosive the mainstream media — all three networks and the cable stations — won’t cover it. It uncovers their most closely held secrets.
It is written by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, about the only people who predicted a Trump victory (in their best seller: Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary). Morris, using his insider knowledge of the White House and the government, exposes how Obama, Valerie Jarret, Eric Holder, James Comey, and John Brennan prepared for the coup by seeding the government with leakers and giving them civil service protection as it became clear that Trump might win.
Never before have the talents of the CIA and the FBI for destabilizing and toppling foreign governments been directed inward at the American president. But, as Phillip Mudd, former deputy director of the FBI under Mueller said this week: “Trump’s defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin has compelled federal employees at Langley, Foggy Bottom, CIA and State to try to take Trump down.” He added ominously: “Let me give you one bottom line — government is going to kill this guy.”
Of course, the entire coup is animated by a totally fabricated dossier that seeks to prove that Trump colluded with Putin. Morris and McGann expose the many, many lies in the dossier and in the media leaks that followed designed to spread the disinformation that Trump is in league with Putin.
Get your copy of Rogue Spooks TODAY — CLICK HERE!
Please do your part to keep President Trump president.
Order A Copy Of Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump — CLICK HERE NOW!!!
View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!
Don’t Let Them Take Over Our Country – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
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