Obama’s Army Seeks Revenge
The never-ending Obama campaign announced this week that it was raising funds from big donors — only a relative handful — to put together a $50 million fund for an army of grass-roots activists in swing states to go after Republican Congressmen and Senators who dare to vote against the president’s wishes.
Over the next two years, they will be spreading their tentacles all over the nation to invade districts which are now in Republican hands but might be turned to blue in 2014 in pursuit of a House majority and of a sixty vote Democratic Senate.
This “purge” of Republicans is reminiscent of 1938 when FDR tried to oust conservatives — Democrats and Republicans alike — who had the temerity to oppose his New Deal measures. His efforts were soon overtaken by the double dip recession of 1937-38 that his economic and tax policies triggered, but it was not for want of trying that Congress remained independent.
Now, we Republicans must hunker down to fight the attempted Democratic purge of our Congressional representatives. For the cynics among us who wonder whether having a Republican House means anything at all, just bear in mind how firmly our ranks are holding in the House in favor of sequester. Does anyone think that there would be any bar to new tax increases and more spending if the Democrats had the kind of majorities Obama seeks?
Indeed, our stand in 2014 may be the most important of the eight year Obama nightmare. If he can acquire the same kind of mandate in his last two years as he got in his first two, God knows where he will stop.
His donors will enjoy tax exemption on their contributions since the army is to be organized as a “social welfare” organization, not a political effort. Big donors and hard workers will be invited to meet with the president every quarter as the army focuses on building up grass roots organizations to topple Republican incumbents.
Normally, the sixth year of an eight-year tenure spells disaster for the governing party. I doubt that this year will be an exception. Obama’s economic policies are plainly leading us into a double-dip recession and the evidence of their failure will soon be too widespread for any but the most deluded to ignore.
But, the Republican Party is a mess. Morale is shot. Finances are wiped out. Activists are cowering in their basements, unable to watch TV as the Obama tyranny unfolds. In this state, we may make easy prey for the Obama legions. The message is to mobilize, pull our heads out from under the bed, and get moving to protect our democracy and free market economic system.
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