Dear Friend,
We need immediate and substantial help if we are to stop the unions from destroying those State Senators who voted for education and labor reforms in the Wisconsin State Legislature earlier this year. If these Senators are punished for their votes, it will intimidate conservatives throughout America and the efforts to limit public employee union power and promote education reform will be set back by a decade.
By limiting collective bargaining to wages and benefits, Wisconsin effectively permitted school districts to override teacher tenure to dismiss bad teachers, use student test scores and other indications of merit to determine teacher pay, promote school choice, and lay teachers off based on merit not seniority. These reforms are vital to reforming our now defunct public school system. If the courageous state senators who voted for these reforms are manhandled by the union leaders, it will stop similar efforts in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, Florida, California, Texas and a host of other states.
We have just three weeks left to mount an effective ad campaign to win this battle. The unions are pouring money into the fight. Please, please, please give us funds to battle for these reforms.
To make a donation by check, please make check payable to:
“The Presidential Coalition – Wisconsin” at 1006 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington D.C. 20003.
Thank you,
Dick Morris